Наряжающаяся в ультрамини 62-летняя бабушка-блогер стала звездой Сети

60 лет – не повод «завязывать» с модой. На личном примере это продемонстрировала 62-летняя жительница Великобритании Никки Рэдклифф. Несмотря на свой возраст, женщина не намерена отказываться от ультрамини и ярких нарядов.

62-летняя англичанка признается, что всегда интересовалась модой, но только на седьмом десятке она почувствовала себя достаточно уверенной, чтобы завести собственный fashion-блог.

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My most worn vintage garment isn’t a splendid suit, an iconic coat or a dream dress. It’s this plaid fringed Siesta style jacket because, unlike most of my wardrobe, this garment is perfectly suited to real life. Great with jeans and roomy enough to layer knits underneath in winter. I love this jolly jacket and wish I could remember where it came from so I could say a great big thank you. Cream western shirt with red piping from @loulousvintagefair in Brighton, jeans and belt by @freddiesofpinewood and red turban by @sarahsdoowopdos #vintage #truevintage #truevintageootd #vintagestyle #vintagefashion #everydayvintage #vintageeveryday #siestajacket #vintagewesternshirt #freddiesofpinewood #turbanista #advancedstyle #over60style #over60 #agelessstyle #ageinggracefully

A post shared by Nikki Redcliffe (@nikkiredcliffe) on Jan 27, 2020 at 10:00am PST

Никки увлекается ретро-модой, а также королевским стилем, при этом она не прочь продемонстрировать свою весьма подтянутую фигуру в купальниках 50-60-х годов.

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Well I never! Seems this is my 600th Instagram post!!! I first joined IG in 2015 with the simple objective of stalking my daughters. Not as sinister as it sounds because they were very understanding and I spent the first year or so just posting the standard photos of family, friends, holidays and the occasional sunset. Along the way I started following a whole bunch of vintage enthusiasts who bought, sold, wore and wrote about all things vintage. It was like finding a door into a new world when I discovered the fabulous global vintage community on Instagram. It then occurred to me that I had a sizeable vintage wardrobe and maybe other people would enjoy seeing my clothes as much as I enjoyed looking at theirs so in June 2016 I began posting photos of my own vintage looks. Of course I’m way older than most vintage ‘gals’ but wearing unique pieces from the 40s and 50s has allowed me to find and develop my own style and it’s given me a lot of entertainment along the way. At 62 I’m happier than I’ve ever been and I’m here to spread the message that ageing can be a truly joyful and liberating experience. I sometimes feel a bit sad for younger people with all the pressures and expectations they face. At my great age there are practically no expectations! The over 50s have relatively few role models but neither are we bombarded with unrealistic images of how we should look, dress or live our lives. That is real freedom! I’m celebrating with this photo, taken earlier this year in my favourite place, wearing my favourite vintage bathing suit. Thank you to everyone who follows, likes or comments here. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kind, supportive, encouraging, heartwarming and often hilarious comments. With love and gratitude xxx? #vintage #vintagestyle #vintageforever #over60 #over60andfabulous #over60style #advancedstyle #greyhair #greyhairdontcare #ageingwithstyle #ageinggracefully #grannyinaswimsuit #1950sfashion #1950sstyle #30daysofvintagestyle #vintageswimsuit #myinstagramstory #thejoyofageing #ilovevintage #600thpost

A post shared by Nikki Redcliffe (@nikkiredcliffe) on Nov 12, 2019 at 3:20am PST

Сейчас на блог Никки Рэдклифф в Instagram подписаны свыше 32 тысяч человек, и количество ее поклонников постоянно растет. Даже самые смелые наряды публика встречает комплиментами и восхищением.

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Buenos dias Andalucia! Finally made it to Spain late last night after being evacuated from Gatwick, being put through airport security TWICE and then having to change planes because of a ‘technical issue’. Ahh, the joys of air travel. This vintage plaid romper Is very much what I wasn’t wearing today. These photos were taken during my last trip to Spain but today I simply opted for Factor 30 (obviously no pics). My house is very remote and the only potential onlookers are an occasional lone eagle or a small flock of Egyptian Vultures — who aren’t remotely interested in what I’m wearing. Normal service will be resumed soon. #vintage #truevintage #whatididntweartoday #sunnyspain #andalucia #myfavouriteplace #vintagelady #dontforgetthesunscreen #lazyday #holidaywardrobe #advancedstyle #over60style #over60andfabulous #agelessstyle #iwillwearwhatilike #neverknowinglyunderdressed #vintageswimwear #vintagebeachwear

A post shared by Nikki Redcliffe (@nikkiredcliffe) on Aug 1, 2019 at 8:53am PDT

Британка признается, что не прибегала к пластическим операциям, а также не пользуется фотошопом. Что касается фигуры, то своей осиной талией она обязана генам.

Ранее портал «МедЭхо» писал, что 68-летний Газманов станцевал ламбаду в плавках и продемонстрировал подтянутую фигуру.


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